Fwd: THE GLMR | Ride for Hope, Healing, & Happiness

This post is actually composed from an email I recently received from a friend, Herrick Muhlestein.  I think it is self explanatory.  I plan to participate in this ride.  I invite you to join in also.
I refer you to the official website for more details about this upcoming event: http://theglmr.com/

Gary Ludlow is my step father, and this ride is to raise awareness of mental 
illness and increase happiness in our lives.
Please see the email and website or forward to someone who would like to ride 
or volunteer for this great event.

Thank you!

TheGLMR TheGLMR Register July 30th 2011
Join me in the the third annual Rid for Hope, Healing, & Happiness

Dear Friend,

Chances are, you never knew Gary Ludlow.

If you did, then maybe you knew him as an award-winning insurance 
and real estate agent from American Fork. Or perhaps as a pro 
cyclist who once took second in the California State championships, 
or as a frequent rider in the Lotoja (Logan to Jackson) cycling 
event. Maybe you might have known his wife, one of his eight kids 
or 11 grandkids.

Or maybe you knew that on December 5, 2008, Gary passed away due 
to a severe mental illness

Gary Ludlow was my father, and before that tragic winter day, the 
problems of mental illness, depression, and even suicide seemed 
totally irrelevant to my life—just like they might seem to yours.

Or maybe not.

Statistically speaking, one in three people know someone with 
mental illness, or know of someone who has taken his or her own 
life. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death for people 
25–34 year old, and the third leading cause among those 15–24. 
Suicide an often result from living with a mental illness—such 
as severe depression. And unfortunately, mental illnesses are 
more common than we’d like to think.

Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person's 
thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily 
functioning. They’re no one’s fault, nor are they the result of 
personal weakness, lack of character, or poor upbringing. Much 
like diabetes, mental illnesses are medical conditions that 
often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the 
ordinary demands of life.

Unfortunately, mental illnesses often carry a social stigma that 
prevents some people from getting the help they need. Many try 
to hide their condition. The results can be tragic. What many 
people don’t realize is that mental illnesses are treatable—and 
that suicide is 100 percent preventable! But first, someone has 

After my father’s death, many of his former teammates, friends, 
and family members expressed interest in creating a benefit bike 
ride to raise awareness of mental illnesses and suicide prevention, 
as well as honor Gary’s memory. And so, in the summer of 2009, 
the Gary Ludlow Memorial Ride (GLMR) metric century was created.

The GLMR is a 62.5-mile/100-kilometer road event that raises 
awareness of mental illnesses and helps provide support for 
those who suffer, including those who have been left behind. 
By helping us spread awareness and encourage treatment, you 
can help prevent suffering and save lives.

Since 2009, we’ve raised over $2,000 for the National Alliance 
on Mental Illness (NAMI Utah) and the American Foundation for 
Suicide Prevention (AFSP Utah). For our 3rd annual ride on 
Saturday, July 30, our goal is to double that total so we 
can better help those who suffer.

There are three simple ways you can get involved in the GLMR 
cause: 1) Donate or become an event sponsor,2) Serve as 
volunteer, and/or 3) Help bring hope, healing, and happiness 
by riding with us and enjoying the sport that Gary had loved.

The love that comes through friendship and community can make 
a powerful impact in others lives.Please join us at the GLMR 
for a ride you’ll never forget.

WHEN: Saturday JULY 30th, 2011
START TIME: 7:00 - 7:30 am
REGISTRATION: Visit RideMybike.com or e-mail your PDF 
registration to glmrinfo@gmail.com

REGISTRATION FEE: $45 to be paid at RideMybike.com or 
at check-in with PDF registration form

REGISTRATION DUE: Friday, 22 July 2011
LATE REGISTRATION: Saturday, 23 July to Friday, 29 2011

I’d like to personally thank you for your contributions 
of time, work, and money. Because of your efforts, our 
last two GLMR events have been a success. And thanks to your 
willingness to contribute now, more lives can be touched—and 
even saved—in the coming year.

Your donation or sponsorship can go a long way toward helping 
those living with mental illness. Please contribute today.

P.S. If you, a loved one, or a friend is struggling with mental 
illness, call NAMI Utah at (877) 230-6264 for information on 
treatment and recovery. If the issue is suicide, please call 
the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 
immediately. Suicidal thoughts are as deadly as any disease and 
should always be taken seriously.

Donate Now


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